In 12 stunning sessions, Beloved uncovers the mystery and the meaning of the sacrament of marriage. What if marriage is more than you think it is? What if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and desire that can only be fulfilled in your marriage? Beloved invites all couples to experience firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first "I do" ... whether you said it last year or many years ago.
Beloved is comprised of two parts: The Mystery and Meaning of Marriage has 6 sessions and Living Marriage has 6 sessions. All 12 episodes can be used in Marriage Prep or for Marriage Enrichment. Just select your Leader and Couples Guides for "Preparation" or "Enrichment".Based on the Catholic Church’s teachings, the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Sacramental Guidelines for Infant Baptism, the following guidelines may be adapted to youth, adolescents and adults. These guidelines will be followed at St. Clare Catholic Church; there will be no exceptions to the guidelines.
1. It is the duty of godparents to assist the parents with the all-important task of bringing up a child in the faith. Godparents are to be firm believers (practicing Catholics), able and ready to help the newly baptized . . . on the road of the Christian life.”
2. Godparents together with the parents present the child to be baptized, help the baptized to lead a Christian life in harmony with Baptismal faith, and help the baptized fulfill the obligations connected with it. Only one godparent is necessary. They may be a biological male or biological female, and in the case of two godparents, one of each sex.
3. The godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic (baptized, confirmed, received Eucharist, and, if married, are married in the Catholic Church) and be a practicing Catholics, at least 16 years of age, not bound by any canonical penalty (A canonical penalty is defined as a punishment imposed by the church, which could include purgatory or excommunication.) and must be leading a sacramental life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken ; therefore, if married, must be married in the Church and if single, must be striving to live a chaste life and therefore cannot be living with a person outside of marriage. The father, mother, or stepparent may not serve as godparent for the child. Brothers or sisters of a child to be baptized may serve as godparents provided that they meet all the requirements.
4. The godparent(s), if unknown to the pastor, may be asked to provide documentation from their own parish community, often in the form of a signed statement by the parish pastor or his associate only, as to meeting the criteria in above #3, and that they have attended Baptism Preparation classes. The pastor should use discernment in this matter.
5. At the request of the parents, a baptized and believing Christian of another denomination may serve as a Christian witness, not as a godparent, along with the Catholic godparent.
6. Any person may serve as a proxy (alternate/substitute) if a godparent cannot be physically present at the ceremony. The proxy names will only appear in the notations with their Name and “Proxy” written afterward. The proxy names (alternate/substitute) are not placed on the Baptismal Certificate. [See Sacramental Records Policy and Procedures, GODPARENTS/SPONSORS, pg. 21-22]
Additional information can be found on The Archdiocese of San Antonio website:
St. Clare Catholic Church follows the following guidelines for receiving the Sacrament of First Communion. Students must attend Faith Formation Classes for two years. Their first year consists of learning the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church, and church doctrine; the second year consists of learning about the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, this class is divided into two parts. The first part will prepare students for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, their first confession. The second part will prepare students for receiving the Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is completed according to the guidelines established by the Archdiocese of San Antonio as well as the guidelines of St. Clare Catholic Church. The Sacrament of Confirmation is completed after 3 years of Faith Formation classes; the first year, 7th Grade, student are learning the Corporal Works of Mercy, the Spiritual Works of Mercy and the Beatitudes; the second year, 8th grade, students are learning about Catholic Social Teachings and Church Doctrine, and their final year, 9th grade, students are learning about the Holy Spirit, Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirits and the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Parents are to call Parish Office to register for Baptismal preparation classes, held on 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Baptisms on 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:30 am or another time in agreement with the pastor.
Every Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm; Mondays after morning mass or during the week by Appt. Only. Please call the parish center to schedule personal appointments with Fr. Miguel Moreno.